"some butts, they just poop." -Will (0:22)
what were they thinking (1:48)
Untitled (0:09)
They are still using the 3DS animations from 6 years ago (0:16)
They Gave Wick the Worst Makeover (0:16)
They start so young (0:09)
they feel so tanky (0:07)
thats why they call it live chess (1:10)
they actually live among us (0:34)
yes grosjean, they are retarded (0:52)
who when what where how they (0:48)
they really thought... (0:31)
what_are_they_superior_at (0:51)
Idontwearamask'causetheywork (0:59)
guess they never miss huh... (0:14)
Seemingly synthetic micro worms. They respond to heat and water.webm (6:27)
Now they are using VR to vaccinate children (0:24)
"Once these damages have occured, they're irrepairable. They cannot be reversed ... (3:02)
they just let you in (1:00)
Bolshevik commies took over Russha in early 1900s proceeded to genocide 10s of m ... (3:14)
after WW2 they hauled all the crippled vets into siberia and gulag camps so they ... (0:39)
They’ll Remember You (1:29)
They're Crying (Symphonic Version) (3:14)
A traitor, a cruel murderer. They'll be coming for him soon! (0:15)
theyre turning the frigging dogs gay (1:03)